Larkhall and District Volunteer Group

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Larkhall & District Volunteer Group is a voluntary organisation, formed in September 1994 as 'Avondale Careline' to provide a friendly chat on the phone to elderly, disabled and housebound people.

The services provided have been expanded since 1994 to meet recognised needs within the local community. These include Volunteer Driving (car and minibus), Befriending, Practical assistance / Gardening, and use of an accessible Caravan, as well as the original service, now named Call Line.

The group mainly operates in and around Larkhall, Stonehouse, Ashgill and Netherburn, but also provides assistance to people further afield when possible. The Larkhall area covers some 60 square miles, adjacent to the M74 between Junctions 7 and 9, approximately 20 miles south of Glasgow. It includes both rural and urban communities, with a wide range of needs and social circumstances.

Membership of the group is free of charge, and open to all residents within Larkhall and surrounding villages, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or physical disability. Every effort is made to ensure membership services provided by the group are open to all members of the community.

Our Aims

We aim to promote the benefit and welfare of elderly, chronically ill, or disabled people, and people experiencing social isolation or in need of rehabilitation.

To meet these aims we strive to provide services, activities and volunteering opportunities for members of the community who fit these criteria.